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Step by step guide to installing the CALS Table Viewer

  1. Launch VS Code and install the CALS Table Viewer extension

  2. In VS Code, open an XML file containing CALS tables

  3. From the Command Palette (⇧⌘P), invoke CALS viewer: File (append)

    • A CALS Table Viewer Pane is shown alongside the current view

    • CALS tables found in the file are rendered with basic styling

  4. Open further XML files to append to the current view

    • Each file view in the pane is identified by a header with the filename

CALS Table Viewer Commands



CALS Viewer: File (append)

Appends new file content to previous file content each time a new file is selected

CALS Viewer: File (replace)

Shows the current file content each time a new file is selected

CALS Viewer: Directory

Shows the content of all files in the same directory as the currently selected file

Behaviour Detail

Update the CALS Viewer by running a CALS Viewer command again. To reset the File (append) view, close the current CALS Viewer first.

If non-XML (or not well-formed) files are opened, a section for the file is added to the view but no file contents is rendered.

The focus of the `CALS Viewer' project is just CALS tables and text content. Content found outside CALS tables is not styled.

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