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Release Notes

11.0.3 - 17th March 2023

  • Added a new scripts directory to the product samples in the distribution with Linux and Windows scripts to demonstrate how to run a comparison

11.0.2 - 10th March 2023


  • Improved error reporting for DITA Compare REST’s configuration file.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed NullPointerException when specifying a configuration file for DITA Compare REST.

11.0.1 - 9th March 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed the classpath of the DITA Compare REST JAR.

11.0.0 - 9th January 2023

New Features

  • New Feature: DITA Compare now has a REST API for performing DITA comparisons. This feature is available if enabled in the license. Please contact DeltaXML to find out more about it.

  • New Feature: DITA Compare REST includes a Command line client for performing DITA Comparisons.

JAR Versioning

  • The names for deltaxml-dita.jar now includes the major.minor.patch version number. For example, deltaxml-dita-11-0-0.jar.

Dependency Changes

  • Update to the latest version of FlexNet Publisher for licensing.

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