This Reference is part of the documentation for the DITA Compare product and supplements the Getting Started and User Guide documents. Getting Started documents how to run and configure the comparator, and licensing terms & conditions. The User Guide provides a high-level introduction to DITA Compare's main features, whilst this Reference covers DITA Compare more thoroughly and in greater detail.
Most of the discussion within this Reference concerns the topic level comparison, thus this is the default context. Those aspects of the discussion that relate to map level comparison are clearly identified.
DITA Compare highlights changes between two versions of a DITA document, such as minor changes between editing sessions or changes between customer releases. Here, the 'document' can be a topic or a collection of topics as specified by a map (and its submaps), or a single map file.
DITA Resources
OASIS DITA Technical Committee Homepage -
The Official DITA Community Page -
XML Resources
Consortium site for XML Technology -
The formal specification for XML -
W3 Schools introduction to XML -