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Merging Tables


DITA Merge supports CALS table and DITA simple table processing.

The CALS table processing ensures that when syntactically and semantically valid input tables are provided, the result will be a valid CALS table. The OASIS CALS table model documentation defines validity.

Simple changes to the table, such as changing the contents of an entry, adding a row or column, are generally represented as fine grain changes.

Some types of changes, such as table entries overlapping or spanning multiple rows and columns, are difficult to represent at fine granularity, whilst ensuring validity. In these cases, the changes are represented at row (i.e., groups of added/deleted rows) or even whole-table granularity.

In case of DITA simple tables, the syntactic constraints ensure that cells cannot overlap or span either rows or columns, therefore changes are represented at a fine grained level of detail.

Change representation

Changes to tables are represented differently according to the type of change.

See Comparing Document Tables for a details on how changes are represented along with links to a set of examples table comparisons. Please note that, while most of the linked table comparisons are only two-way comparisons, the same principles apply to three-way or n-way merge operations.

Table processing configuration

In DITA Merge, CALS tables and DITA simple table processing are configured separately. The following section talks about how to turn table processing on and off and set different CALS table processing modes.

CALS table

The CALS table processing is enabled/disabled using setCalsTableProcessing.

Invalid cals table behaviour

In order to ensure that only valid CALS tables are passed to our specialized CALS table processing, each input table is marked either valid or invalid. This parameter declares what type of processing should be used for those tables that are marked as invalid. The 'warning report mode' parameter configures how recoverable errors are reported.

Three options are provided:

  • fail: The fail option stops the comparison by throwing an appropriate exception (that includes the errors identified by the validity checker).

  • propagate up: The propagate up option ensures that changes to an invalid table (or more specifically 'tgroup') are represented at the table level.

  • compare as XML : The compare as XML option essentially compares the tables as if they were well-formed XML.

This can be configured using setInvalidCalsTableBehaviour.

Warning report mode

This mode specifies the way in which invalid table warnings should be reported.

Different options such as comments, message or processing instruction are available to report warning.

This can be configured using setWarningReportMode.

CALS table validation level

The CALS invalid table behaviour depends on the CALS table validation level.

The CALS table validation level can either be STRICT or RELAXED.

This can be configured using setCalsValidationLevel.

DITA Simple table

The DITA Simple table processing is enabled/disabled using setHtmlTableProcessing.

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