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Supported Products

Comparator Integration

The DeltaXML oXygen Adaptor provides a facility to run some of our comparison products from within the oXygen XML editor.

Delta XML products recognized by and compatible with the oXygen Adaptor are considered to be 'oXygen Enabled'. The current oXygen enabled products are summarised in the following table.


'oXygen Enabled' Status

XML Compare

Supported from version 6.4.7

DITA Compare

Supported from version 5.0

DocBook Compare

Supported from version 3.0.3

Merge Result Integration

This Adaptor also contains a merge conflict resolver, which enables the output of the DITA Merge product to be transformed into a form that can be interactively resolved in oXygen's Author mode. Please see the merge conflict resolver section of the Usage documentation for more details.

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