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How to combine concurrent license files

It is possible to use a single license server to serve multiple licenses for multiple DeltaXML products.

A typical use case would be if you have purchased more than one product, either at the same time or at different times, you could choose to use the same server to serve them all.

You will typically have downloaded multiple license files - one for each product. These can be combined into one license file for ease of management.

To be able to merge license files, they should have the same vendor daemon name and the same hostid on the server line.

To do this simply use any text editor to merge the FEATURE (or INCREMENT) lines together and keep a single SERVER line.

Here is an example to clarify how to combine files. If you have the following two license files A and B:-

License File A

#Please Do not delete this comment line.
SERVER this_host VM_UUID=9980A572-3723-47A8-B0CF-5B4854C3BFBE
VENDOR deltaxml
INCREMENT compare deltaxml 8.0 19-feb-2017 1 START=19-feb-2016 \
 SIGN="003A 6485 FB87 96BC 732F D584 775F BD00 EF4F 899A E573 \
 47D2 064E CFEE D7E9"

License File B

#Please Do not delete this comment line.
SERVER this_host VM_UUID=9980A572-3723-47A8-B0CF-5B4854C3BFBE
VENDOR deltaxml
INCREMENT merge deltaxml 1.0 7-mar-2019 1 DUP_GROUP=H START=7-mar-2016 
 SIGN="0070 F38B 1887 81C6 1DFD 62F5 B0DC 3800 B2C0 C984 46F5 \
 54AE 8275 8E6F 7350"

You should combine them together to form a single license file that looks like license file C.

License File C

#Please Do not delete this comment line.
SERVER this_host VM_UUID=9980A572-3723-47A8-B0CF-5B4854C3BFBE
VENDOR deltaxml
INCREMENT compare deltaxml 8.0 19-feb-2017 1 START=19-feb-2016 \
 SIGN="003A 6485 FB87 96BC 732F D584 775F BD00 EF4F 899A E573 \
 47D2 064E CFEE D7E9"
INCREMENT merge deltaxml 1.0 7-mar-2019 1 DUP_GROUP=H START=7-mar-2016 
 SIGN="0070 F38B 1887 81C6 1DFD 62F5 B0DC 3800 B2C0 C984 46F5 \
 54AE 8275 8E6F 7350"
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