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14.1 Release Notes

14.1 - 6th July 2023

New Features

  • Coming to XML Compare 14.1.0 is Advanced SVG Comparisons. We’ve worked to handle more of the complexities associated with SVG to bring you better results and have included some new options to customise your SVG comparisons.

    • Numeric Tolerance - a threshold for negligible coordinate changes in SVG elements.

    • Z Index - changes to render order (Z index) of SVG elements can now be marked up differently to other types of change.

    • Animate Inline - a result showing phase in phase out of compared SVGs to clearly see changes.


  • Referenced SVGs are no longer held inline and instead the compared SVGs are kept as a single referenced result file.

  • Converted XHTML sample pipeline to use DCP.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a crash related to orderless tables. This was support case CUST-809.

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