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14.2 Release Notes

14.2.2 - 22th February 2024

Bug fix

  • Resolved issue where XML Compare throws an error if an entrytbl uses a spanname attribute defined by spanspec. This was customer support case CUST-963.

14.2.1 - 17th October 2023

Bug fix

  • XML Compare does not generate an invalid deltaV2 result when tables are split into two due to thresholding.

14.2 - 5th October 2023

Bug Fixes

  • XML Compare no longer produces unchanged rows as added and deleted when there is repetitive data. This was customer support case CUST-844.

  • XML Compare no longer crashes if a lower priority version has a span which ends before it starts because its columns have changed order while doing the table comparison. This was customer support case CUST-809.

  • Track changes formats are no longer producing invalid inline SVG comparison result.

  • XML Compare do not throw an error while html table canonicalisation. This was customer support case CUST-869.

  • XML Compare no longer fails if table has renamed cell and it is split due to thresholding. This was customer support case CUST-896


  • A new table configuration setMarkTableCellSpanExtentChanges added to indentify a spanning change. If enabled a deltaxml:span-extent-changed attribute is added to table cell elements that * have changed spans.


  • All the critical and high dependency vulnerabilities are resolved now.


  • Distributed version of Apache Xerces updated to Xerces 2.12.0 from 2.12.2 to resolve the vulnerabilities.

  • Upgraded GSON dependency from 2.8.5 to 2.10.1 to resolve the vulnerabilities.

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