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10.4.x Release Notes

Release 10.4.2- 22nd February 2021

Bug fixes

  • HTML table now correctly outputs all the row in case row/column spanning. This was customer support case CUST-281.
  • XML Compare no longer throws a NullPointerException exception from the core comparator in a specific case for a certain java 8 version. This was customer support case CUST-319.

Release 10.4.1 - 18th December 2020


  • Some of the formatting element output filters have been improved to avoid the out of memory errors. This was customer support case CUST-279.

Release 10.4.0 - 15th October 2020

New Feature

  • A new licensing model called REST Capacity has been added to XML Compare REST
  • XML Compare now supports redundant license servers.

Removed Features

  • Removed mac-app support due to notarization issues in the MacOS Update (Catalina), but we are still supporting Java-gui and commmand line along with API support for both Java and .Net.
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