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Legacy Documentation

This information is useful for users of prior releases.

Original XML Compare Format Specification (deltaV1)

Describes the result format used in older version of XML Compare and explains how it is used to mark changes.


DeltaV2 Format Introduction

A brief introduction to the updated XML Compare result format, deltaV2, aimed at users of the original deltaV1 format.


Filter Migration Guide

Describes support of filters included in the release for the two result formats, deltaV1 and deltaV2.


DeltaXML Error Messages

Documents the pre 5.0 error numbering system. In version 5.0 this was replaced with an Exception hierarchy.


How to Migrate to PipelinedComparator

Explains how to move from using the com.deltaxml.api package to using the com.deltaxml.core package. The core package has since been superceded by the com.deltaxml.cores9api package but much of the information in this document remains relevant.


JAXP Pipeline Examples

Gives an overview of the JAXP example code included in releases prior to version 3.0. These examples use the com.deltaxml.api package.


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