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Element Moves

The element moves usually occur due the movement of block level elements, such as paragraphs, to a new location within a document.

From release 12.0.0, DITA Compare do not identify the moves based on the id attribute. The DITA Compare now has a new heuristic algorithm to identify the moves.

These moves result in two copies of the block level item in the output, one marked as deleted (with a suffixed id value for validity) and one marked as added. This does not reflect the level of detail required in the comparison result. Rather than deletion and addition, these should be identified as a move from one location to another. In addition, if the textual content at the target location is also modified as part of the move, these changes should be shown at a fine-grained level of detail i.e. at the word by word level.

In order to identify moves, the source section (deleted block) is marked as moved with a suffixed id value for validity and a revision attribute as 'deltaxml-move-source-{moveid}'. The added section with have the changes between the two and will be represented using a a revision attribute as 'deltaxml-move-target-{moveid}'.

The default state for this new feature is set to disabled. It would need to be explicitly enabled using an API call to make use of it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA 1.2 Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
<topic id="topic_c5g_x5m_qz">
    <title id="3de1386a-fcc3-4553-b2e7-d4d1d26ba1c5">Paragraphs</title>
        <p id="3a674dab-1ddf-4e38-a6ae-d0a2da661a7c" status="unchanged">The composition of the
            securities held by each Fund has been adjusted periodically to seek to replicate the
            composition and weighting of the relevant index.</p>
        <p id="0d18158b-29ca-4d97-8e5f-9e3118e79779" status="unchanged">Dividends accrued on the
            Funds’ securities have been reinvested in accordance with the underlying indices. By
            reinvesting dividends, net of management fees, in the indices, the Funds’ cash component
            was kept to a minimum.</p>
        <p id="e762ae35-4d9c-4e99-bf07-8de53a40d682" status="unchanged">This income reinvestment
            policy is designed to alleviate the effects of cash drag until the time of dividend
            payment because the Funds track net total performance indices. Re-exposing cash to the
            index not only minimizes dividend drag but also recurrent management or transaction fees
            paid to counter-parties outside the Funds for short-term cash management.</p>
        <p id="b5e86230-9055-47ac-914e-719e0df077f9_moved_d484e19"
            rev="deltaxml-move-source-d484e19" status="deleted">Moreover, full replication keeps the
            Funds’ tracking error with the relevant underlying index at a minimum.</p>
        <p id="2a6c03c0-aa62-48d8-b4ff-d47aa7ac8e0c" status="unchanged">Tracking error computation
            should be based on net total returns indices because of the Funds’ income reinvestment
            policy. The net total return indices are now publicly available.</p>
        <p id="b5e86230-9055-47ac-914e-719e0df077f9" status="changed"
            rev="deltaxml-move-target-d484e19">Moreover, full replication keeps the Funds’ tracking
            error with the relevant underlying index at a <ph status="deleted" rev="deltaxml-delete"
                >minimum</ph><ph status="new" rev="deltaxml-add">maximum</ph>.</p>
        <p id="22d37180-1436-4880-ba7e-5ff67cc288ed" status="unchanged">As at 31 December 2014, the
            net asset value NAV of First Trust US Large Cap Core AlphaDEX® UCITS ETF was $40.8M. The
            Fund owned 376 stocks as at 31 December 2014. There were 1,000,000 shares created
            ($32.5M) during the 12-month period the report covers. During the year, the Fund had a
            net return of 12.01%, compared to the Defined Large Cap Core Index benchmark performance
            of 12.47%, i.e. -0.46% relative performance. Finally, the Fund’s benchmark, the S&amp;P
            500® Index returned 12.99% during the year, which the Fund underperformed by -0.98%.
            During the year under review, the Fund had a tracking error of 0.003% which corresponded
            to our expectations.</p>
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