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HTML Compare Configuration File Schema Guide

This guide provides a short description of each element and attribute defined in the XML schema for the HTML Compare REST topic configuration file. A fuller description of the configuration file, along with the examples and an explanation of the main concepts can be found in the User Guide and associated documentation.


An occurrence indicator is used here for cases other than where a child element may occur once and only once. The occurrence indicators are described below:

  • [*] - Zero or more
  • [?] - Zero or once
  • [+] - One or more

Element Index


Element Detail

Elements are listed in document-tree order, top-level elements first, then alphabetically:

Element: configuration 1

The root element for defining the configuration for HTML Compare.

Contained by


parameters The root element for defining the configuration parameters for the comparison

Element: parameters 2

The root element for defining the configuration parameters for the comparison.

Contained by
comparisonType These parameters control how text is compared
formattingConfiguration These parameters control which HTML elements are marked as inline structural changes
htmlConfiguration These parameters control html specific configurations
mathmlConfiguration These parameters control how MathML is managed
svgConfiguration These parameters control how SVG changes are displayed
tableConfiguration These parameters control how tables are compared

Element: comparisonType 3

These parameters control how text is compared.

Contained by
characterByCharacter Specifies whether to perform a character by character comparison or not

Element: formattingConfiguration 4

These parameters control which HTML elements are marked as inline structural changes.

Contained by
formattingElements Sets the comma and/or space separated list of inline and block level formatting elements
ignoreFormattingElements If set to true, any formatting elements, and ones specified using formattingElements parameter, will not show any sorts of changes (addition, deletion, modified)
retainComments whether changes in comments should be processed

Element: htmlConfiguration 5

These parameters control html specific configurations.

Contained by
inputAHighlightColour Sets the deleted element highlight colour
inputAStyling Sets the deleted element highlight colour
inputBHighlightColour Sets the added element highlight colour
inputBStyling Sets the added element highlight colour

Element: mathmlConfiguration 6

These parameters control how MathML is managed.

Contained by
mathmlGranularity Specifies the granularity at which the differences between the two MathML expressions will be represented

Element: svgConfiguration 7

These parameters control how SVG changes are displayed.

Contained by
svgEnabled Enables SVG comparison should be carried out
svgFallbackChangedPercentage Defines the threshold at which fallback occurs if svgFallbackEnabled is true
svgFallbackEnabled Fallback to the ADJACENT result if alignment is below the defined threshold (set by fallbackChangePercentage)
svgGranularity Specifies how to display SVG changes
svgNumericToleranceEnabled Enables svg numeric tolerance, changes less than numericToleranceValue are ignored
svgNumericToleranceValue Defines the threshold value for numeric tolerance
svgZIndexEnabled Enables representation of Z index changes
zIndexMarkupStyle Sets the markup colour for representation of Z index changes

Element: tableConfiguration 8

These parameters control how tables are compared.

Contained by
columnKeyingMode Specifies the column keying mode used to match HTML columns when table processing is enabled
ignoreColumnOrder Determines whether ignoring HTML table column order is enabled
invalidTableBehaviour This parameter declares what type of processing should be used for those tables that are marked as invalid
normalizeTableColumns Determines whether HTML table column specification is normalized
validationLevel This parameter declares how strict table validation is
warningReportMode Specifies how certain warnings generated during the comparison process are reported

Element: characterByCharacter 9

Specifies whether to perform a character by character comparison or not.

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: formattingElements 10

Sets the comma and/or space separated list of inline and block level formatting elements.

Contained by

Type: xs:string

Element: ignoreFormattingElements 11

If set to true, any formatting elements, and ones specified using formattingElements parameter, will not show any sorts of changes (addition, deletion, modified).

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: retainComments 12

whether changes in comments should be processed

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: inputAHighlightColour 13

Sets the deleted element highlight colour.

Contained by

Type: xs:string

Element: inputAStyling 14

Sets the deleted element highlight colour.

Contained by

Type: xs:string

Element: inputBHighlightColour 15

Sets the added element highlight colour.

Contained by

Type: xs:string

Element: inputBStyling 16

Sets the added element highlight colour.

Contained by

Type: xs:string

Element: mathmlGranularity 17

Specifies the granularity at which the differences between the two MathML expressions will be represented.

Contained by
mode[enum]"adjacent" - Reports the differences to the MathML by repeating A and B MathML inputs adjacent to each other. "detailed-adjacent" - Reports the differences to the MathML by repeating the A and B MathML inputs adjacent to each other, with individual changes highlighted. "inline" - Reports the differences within the MathML without duplicating A and B.

Permitted values / descriptions:


Element: svgEnabled 18

Enables SVG comparison should be carried out.

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: svgFallbackChangedPercentage 19

Defines the threshold at which fallback occurs if svgFallbackEnabled is true

Contained by

Type: xs:double

Element: svgFallbackEnabled 20

Fallback to the ADJACENT result if alignment is below the defined threshold (set by fallbackChangePercentage).

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: svgGranularity 21

Specifies how to display SVG changes.

Contained by
mode[enum]"adjacent" Reports the differences to the SVG by repeating A and B SVG inputs adjacent to each other. "detailed-adjacent" Reports the differences to the SVG by repeating the A and B SVG inputs adjacent to each other, with individual changes highlighted.

Permitted values / descriptions:


Element: svgNumericToleranceEnabled 22

Enables svg numeric tolerance, changes less than numericToleranceValue are ignored

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: svgNumericToleranceValue 23

Defines the threshold value for numeric tolerance.

Default is '1%', can also be provided as numeric value (in pixels)

Contained by

Type: xs:string

Element: svgZIndexEnabled 24

Enables representation of Z index changes

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: zIndexMarkupStyle 25

Sets the markup colour for representation of Z index changes.

Default is purple.

Contained by

Type: xs:string

Element: columnKeyingMode 26

Specifies the column keying mode used to match HTML columns when table processing is enabled.

Contained by
mode[enum]"auto" - DocumentComparator manages the entire keying process automatically. If desired this mode also allows for user-defined column keys in the input files. "position" - DocumentComparator matches table columns based on their position. Indexing starts from 1 and the maximum position is defined by the number of columns described by col attribute.

Permitted values / descriptions:


Element: ignoreColumnOrder 27

Determines whether ignoring HTML table column order is enabled.

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: invalidTableBehaviour 28

This parameter declares what type of processing should be used for those tables that are marked as invalid.

Contained by
mode[enum]"fail" - Throw an exception. "propagateUp" - Propagate the changes to the table-level. "compareAsXml" - Compare the table content as well-formed XML.

Permitted values / descriptions:


Element: normalizeTableColumns 29

Determines whether HTML table column specification is normalized.

Contained by

Type: xs:boolean

Element: validationLevel 30

This parameter declares how strict table validation is.

Contained by
mode[enum]"relaxed" - Performs relaxed validation. Invalidities which are known to have no effect on subsequent processing will not cause that processing to be bypassed. "strict" - Performs strict validation. All invalidities will cause the appropriate subsequent processing to be bypassed.

Permitted values / descriptions:


Element: warningReportMode 31

Specifies how certain warnings generated during the comparison process are reported.

Contained by
mode[enum]"pis" - Reports warning using processing instructions with the format dxml_warn warning content "message" - Reports warnings using xsl:message. These are typically sent to std.out but this can be changed by configuring the relevant Saxon Configuration object. "comments" - Reports warnings using XML comments.

Permitted values / descriptions:


(This documentation was auto-generated from the XML Schema for the HTML Compare configuration file.)

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