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Error Handling


Errors will be returned in a format containing:

  • Error Message errorMessage

  • Unique Error ID errorId

  • HTTP Error Code errorCode

For example, this is an error returned when supplying inputs with incorrect file paths:

Response (XML)
    <errorMessage>inputA: cannot read your/folder/DeltaXML-HTML-Compare-1_0_0/inputA.html</errorMessage>
Response (JSON)
    "errorMessage": "inputA: cannot read your/folder/DeltaXML-HTML-Compare-1_0_0/inputA.html",
    "errorId": "eb19636a-2183-467a-b499-e7acee86275b",
    "errorCode": 400

Content Type

If set, the error will be returned in the content type specified in the Accept header of the request.
E.g. if there was an error getting a Job's information and you set Accept to application/json, it will be returned in JSON format.

If no Acceptheader is set it will fallback to XML format.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.