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Editing the License File

Under most cases, you should not edit your license file as this may risk invalidating your license. This guide will show you the editable parts of the document.



On the SERVER line this_host can be changed to the ip address of the license server and HOSTNAME should be the same as the the result returned by [hostname or uname -n] in the terminal. the third argument on the server line is used for the port which can be set to the desired port, or else it will be set to a default value in the range of 27000 to 27009. you can also add the PRIMARY_IS_MASTER and HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL. These options are used with license servers configured for three-server redundancy to indicate how master control is transferred between the primary and secondary servers.

HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL is used with license servers configured for three-server redundancy to indicate how long a license server waits to receive a heartbeat from another license server in the triad before shutting itself down.


These lines should not be edited, but if you want to combine concurrent licenses please go to the following page.

Anything other than these lines should not be edited as this could again result in invalidating the license.

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