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Quick start guide

The HTML Compare REST service allows you to invoke HTML comparisons from a wide range of programming languages and systems.

Release and license

HTML Compare can be setup by requesting an evaluation from the trial page. At the end of this journey a HTML Compare product can be download which will give you a zip. The activated trial license should be copied within the extracted zip.

Please note that for purchased licenses a license server installation is needed.

Please see for more details about license server setup

The release contains:

  • deltaxml-html-compare-rest-x.y.z.jar* - HTML Compare's REST API, built to run HTML comparisons. To learn more about its use, see the REST documentation.

  • deltaxml-html-compare-rest-client-x.y.z.jar HTML Compare’s Rest Client Jar, built to use with the command line to interact with the REST server.

*where 'x.y.z' is the major.minor.patch version e.g. '1.0.0'


The samples folder will include a few sample files and includes a sample configuration file and a copy of its XML schema. The schema guide provides for a more in-depth explanation of how to use the configuration file. We also include a scripts subfolder which will include scripts to quickly run a sample comparison of HTML Compare using the sample files.

Setup REST server and run first comparison

For a high-level overview of HTML Compare along with links to more detailed documentation, please see the User Guide.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.