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This is a legacy license model. Customers currently using this model can still renew their licenses, but they will no longer be issued to new customers.

A Server license allows a specified computer (host) to run DeltaXML software.  Although this type of license is entitled 'Server', it applies equally to any type of computer such as a desktop or laptop system. You may know this type of license as node locked or host locked.

The license may specify a limit to the number of runtime cores that are available on the host system and this is checked when the software is invoked. While the number of runtime cores may be restricted, there is no restriction on the number of comparisons running on the licensed server.

A Server license is self-contained and does not require the use of a license server or network connectivity.

Server licenses need to be installed on specific servers and this requires a unique identity for such servers using a hostid.  When ordering software the number of servers and any runtime core limits will typically be specified, but not their identities or hostids.  After purchase users/administrators can use the MyDelta portal to fulfil or obtain their licenses by specifying the hostid of the servers which will run the software.  It is also possible to return a license and re-issue or re-host it for a different server. This can only be done a limited number of times.

The hostids that are supported with Server licensing are listed in How to determine a Server or Named User hostid.

The following guides are appropriate to server licensing:

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